
This is a news article reported by http://www.alertnet.org, it describes a Chinese high school teacher, Fan Meizhong, who controversially fled before his whole class of students during last year’s devastating earthquake has compelled China amend laws governing teacher- student ethics. The local media and internet users branded him ‘Running Fan’ or ‘Run Run Fan’ to blame his cowardice, however, in his online statement, “At such a life-or-death moment, I would only consider sacrificing my life for my daughter. I would not do it for anyone else, even my mother.” Fortunately, none of his students died in that earthquake.

Apparently, his decision and opinion thoroughly ruined the tranditional image of ideal teachers. As we know, teachers should be good mentors and helpful friends, to protect students must be the moral responsibility of a teacher. But in Running Fan’s point of view, chivalry was not a part of his job description. As for me, there is nothing wrong with him. Everyone has right to choose the way he lives and nobody could judge or criticise. Changing the way of thinking, if you were at Fan’s situation, were you sure you could be selfless, sacrifice yourself for others? However, you could say, “I’m not a teacher.” That makes the point. Fan has right to make the decision on live or not, but, the problem is, he was a teacher. If he couldn’t accept and understand the moral responsibility as a teacher, he was not supposed to be a teacher. Well, then there is no criticism.
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